Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Workout journal

So yesterday I was feeling pretty down about my lack of progress losing weight. After some encouraging words from a friend I decided to stop feeling sorry for myself and figure out a better way to keep on track. I use Myfitnesspal religously as you all know, but I felt like I needed more. I track all my calories eaten and burned online all through the work week, but then Friday hits and I completely stop. Not only do I stop tracking my calorie intake, but I start taking in a lot of extra calories and not doing anything to burn them off. I tallied up what I ate on Sunday, 2,800 calories, um that is not okay. My daily goal is supposed to be 1,500 so on the weekends I was eating 1,000-1,500 more than my goal. So it's pretty obvious why I would lose weight all week then gain it back on the weekends. 

Well folks I am not going to let this happen anymore, I am done with being overweight and done with making excuses. I have totally changed the way I am doing things. First thing is I decided I needed to set smaller goals instead of saying "I want to lose 65lbs by next year" I broke it down more. I would like to lose 40lbs by next November where I will be attending a wedding in Texas. To accomplish this goal I will need to lose 8lbs a month or 2lbs a week. Instead of focusing on that 40lbs that needs to be gone I'm focusing on the 2lbs I need to lose this week. When I was choosing to pay attention to the 40lbs I would put changing my habits off "oh I'll make sure my diet starts tomorrow" tomorrow turns into a week then into a month. Choosing to keep my eyes on the 2lbs I need to loose this week makes it easier to achieve my goal. Not only is it harder to put off my diet, but it is also more encouraging when you are reaching a goal every week. 

To make sure I stay on track I have created a workout journal. This is the beginning to my health and fitness binder I'm going to be starting soon. I am in love with it, it's a great way to keep me on track, see my goals coming to life, and see if I'm slacking. I am so excited to keep using it and I'm hoping this helps me big time. 

I hope you guys love this as much as I do. Feel free to print this off and share it with friends!

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