Monday, December 10, 2012

3 more weeks!

I know I have not been posting nearly as much as I should, but these past few weeks have been more than rough. I have been having contractions every day morning and night that aren't regular but are very painful. My doctor has unfortunately been less than helpful and won't tell me what would be normal contractions and just says "Try not to think that the baby is coming any day, because that will just make these last four weeks that much harder" and I keep thinking "well I wouldn't, but you won't tell me what it's going to be like when the baby does come so every time I experience a contraction or painful cramp I think 'is the baby coming??'" I have been not encouraged to post because I feel like If I did it would be whole lot of complaining. SO instead of complaining I want to show you guys a hilarious video of my cat Leia when she was younger. I posted it on Facebook, but just in case you missed it here it is!

This video makes me laugh every single time she was so crazy as a kitten thankfully she has calmed down a lot since then, even though she is still a bit whacko. Hope this brings a little smile to your day!

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